Monday, March 7, 2011

Distractions are a bad, bad thing

Oh, I did not have a good practice today.  Too many things were interfering with my concentration and I let them all prevent me from thoroughly enjoying today's class. 

First, I did not have a good day at work.  Working in a law office can be very demanding and today was definitely one of those days.  Whose business is it, besides mine, how and what I eat?  Not a certain somebody's, I can tell you that.  Ugh.

So then I rush to yoga, hoping for an energetic class to rid me of all the physical and mental toxins I'd built up throughout the day, only to realize that I've forgotten my hair clip.  This meant that those too-long sweaty bangs were flopping in my face the whole time.  It's hard to see your beautiful posture with a face full of gross, sopping hair.  Awesome.

Finally, driven mad by the above, I found my attention wandering to the other people in the room, letting their struggles and wobbling become my own.  The whole balancing series was a nightmare today. 

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending.  It was much easier to focus on what I was doing throughout the standing separate leg stretching postures, when it was more difficult to see anyone but myself.  And by the time we hit the our mats for the floor series, I was more centered and determined to perform well for the remainder of the class, the rough start forgotten and inner peace within my grasp.

Positive Pose: Triangle
This can be a tricky posture, but when you finally reach that deepest expression--hips open, spinal twist, smooth, straight lines--it's immensely gratifying and even beautiful.  Like most people, this was a tough one at first and for a few months after I started, but since I hit the deepest expression once, I've found that I can consistently hit it each practice.  Almost without fail.  Experiences with other postures vary with each class, but no matter how frustrating the rest of my practice has been, triangle is always there to assure me that I do not, in fact, suck at yoga.  I sink my right hip lower, gaze up at my extended thumb and think "ahhh, there it is.  You can do this," and all is right with the world. 

Struggle Pose: Standing Balancing Head to Knee

Yeah, this one was the hardest today.  I think I might have been strong enough to make some progress here today, but no good came of my vision obscured by icky hair and my attention focused on everyone but me.  Lots of falling, lots of frustration.  All I can say is next time HAS to be better....I hope.

Today's moral: a distracted mind can have serious consequences on your practice.  I really must try to leave all frustrations and judgments at the door and keep my focus on my mat and my breathing.  It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing--or not doing.  Focus, focus, focus.

Week One: Done!

Here's hoping for a more productive class tomorrow with Kate


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