Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Halfway There

It's day 15 of my challenge.  I'm halfway done and feeling great!

Today's class was Vinyasa with Kate--an hour and a half of a very physical form of meditation.  With Bikram, since you repeat the same 26 postures every class and hold them for extended periods of time, you notice even the most minute progress and can set very specific goals (see my Previous Post).  Through repetition, the magic is forced to rise.

However, with Vinyasa, the postures change and flow into each other organically with your breath.  The series can change with each class, with each instructor's whim.  Since you can't anticipate your next move, you have to focus and be present in your body.  It is not at all an easy style and each posture requires your full attention to maintain both your alignment and calm your breath.  You forget your day, forget your future plans and just breathe.  There is no room for any other thoughts. 

 Positive Pose: Bird of Paradise

Okay, so I know I'm not doing this pose exactly right.  I need to work to get my lower back unhunched and my raised leg straighter, but man does it look cool, even in my not-quite-there expression.  It's also an amazing stretch up through the standing leg and through the raised one.  We spent a lot of time on loosening hamstrings today--something I definitely needed.

Struggle Pose: Standing Split

I hate this one.  I've never been able to do it in a way that even resembles well.  It almost always comes at the end of practice, when my legs are already tired and the last thing I want to do is balance and bend forward at the same time.  Boo.  There must be something I'm doing wrong because I feel like it shouldn't be as difficult as I'm making it.

After yesterday's successful class, I was left with some very sore quads.  Many of today's standing postures were pretty challenging, but I was able to work through them, at least until the end of practice, when most of the muscles in my legs started cramping up.  Drinking water should probably help with this for next time.  It sure felt great to spend 90 solid minutes focusing on me and my body, away from busy, negative things.

Make-up Wednesday class tomorrow.


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