Monday, March 28, 2011


Hey guess what? Focus works!  I had one of my best practices ever tonight and it's all because rather than setting physical goals like kicking up higher or balancing longer, I met my own gaze and kept my concentration on regulating inhale and exhale.  Everything felt better!  Half Moon, Standing Head to Knee, Standing Bow, all of it!

I feel like now that I'm towards the end of my challenge, I finally made a mental breakthrough.  If you empty your head of every thought but "inhale, exhale," there is no room for judgment or competition--a very physical meditaton.  Boy is that tough, though!  I caught my mind wandering a number of times and wobbly neighbors are not easy to ignore.  Like Vicki says, it really does take a lot of mental strength to help build your physical strength.  Now with this goal in mind, I foresee more improvement in my future.

Positive Posture: First Back Bend
I never cared for this one when I first started my practice, but it gets better and better each time.  My low back felt a little tweaky at the start of class today, but extending and shining forward through my chest kept me from just dumping into my low back and really getting a good stretch today.  I obviously can't see how far back I'm going myself, but I see more and more of the back wall.  I will definitely be taking some "after" pictures of this one.  Now that I've done all the spine strengthening and stretching today, my low back feels sort of "reset" and much, much better. 

Struggle Posture: Floor Bow
Okay, lame story: the biggest struggle I had today was that my hands were too sweaty and I had a hard time holding onto my feet.  Sorry, no whiny story for you tonight, just that I was so awesome and "glowing" that I couldn't effectively finish the posture. 

Now that I've completed 20 classes in 28 days, I really could quit and congratulate myself on a challenge well done, but being the silly overachiever that I am I'm going to go for the whole 31 days!  I will definitely attend Tueday night Vinyasa and Thursday night Bikram and am considering Wednesday's Bikram, too.  I've still got more yoga in me yet!

Vinyasa with Kate tomorrow night.


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