Saturday, April 2, 2011

Final Reflections

Some last thoughts on my 30-day challenge:

I weighed myself and took measurements this morning--I'm down 3.5lbs!  Pretty good considering I was back to starting weight around the halfway point.  I also lost 4" all over, 2" of which was just off my hips!  Vicki warned my that I might see an increase in the size of my ribcage, but I actually lost half an inch there.  Guess my lungs were already huge from a semi-regular practice...  I'm also down half an inch off my waist (just another half inch back to wedding size) and half an inch off each thigh.  No change in the size of my arms, but I can see every single muscle now.

I know these measurements probably don't seem like much, but I can definitely see a difference in my physical fitness.  Guys, I have muscles in places I didn't know girls could get them!  I have a clearly defined triceps, abdominals, and that weird little muscle right below your obliques.  You know the one I'm talking about?  I didn't before.  Things didn't get much smaller, but they got tighter for sure--firmer legs and a perkier tush.  I feel like all I need now is a base tan (ha!) and I'm ready to hit the beach!  Heck, if we didn't have leering neighbors, I would be tempted to walk around the house in my underwear all day just so I could check out my rockin' abs.  "Oh, hello muscles.  Where have you been all my life?"

And then there's the psychological element: I'm not sure if it's confidence, endorphins, flush from success, or just that exercise balanced my whackadoo hormones, but after 31 days of regular yoga, I am much more cheerful.  I sleep better and smile more.  I also have less wrist and knee pain.  These are very common sources of pain for a lot of people.  I work at a desk and am an avid knitter and after regular Bikram practice, especially Locust pose (it gets easier, I promise), I can knit much longer without wrist pain. 

Of course there's also the improvement in the Bikram postures. You saw my before and after pictures from yesterday.  I advanced in every single posture in the series--deeper, higher, more balanced, holding poses for longer.  Really, the photos speak for themselves.  With dedication and focus, anything is possible. 

I really could not be more excited with my results.  Even though I was initally bummed out that I weigh considerably more than I would like to, I now understand the benefit of being fitter and more muscular.  Muscle weighs more than fat, right?  It's not about the number on the scale, it's about how confident and beautiful and fit you feel.  And right now I feel like a movie star.  Watch out, Hubby. ;-)

Thank you Vicki for giving me the opportunity to expand my practice and to share my experience with Hart Yoga.  It's been such a pleasure and I can't wait to see what else I can do as my practice evolves.

Hope to see you all tomorrow and Hart Yoga's open house!  Free yoga at 10am and 12!
